About QuiltAustralia

QuiltAustralia is an unincorporated grouping of the premier state and territory quilt guilds around Australia. QuiltAustralia meets formally once a year to discuss issues and share information and collaborates informally at other times.

QuiltAustralia came about at a meeting in 1992, which was organised by the late Narelle Grieve, past president of QuiltNSW. That meeting led to the formation of an unincorporated grouping, the Australian Council of Quilters, which is now known as QuiltAustralia.


QuiltAustralia aims to:

  • Promote patchwork and quiltmaking in Australia
  • Promote Australian quiltmaking internationally
  • Promote the preservation of Australia’s heritage of quilts and quiltmaking
  • Encourage high standards in professional areas of quiltmaking such as teaching and quilt appraisals
  • Facilitate co-operation between state and territory quilting groups throughout Australia and support their initiatives
  • Provide a forum for the gathering and sharing of information and ideas.

Composition of QuiltAustralia

QuiltAustralia is made up of the following state and territory quilt guilds:

Quilt shows around Australia

One of the highlights of a quilt guild is their annual quilt show. If you are thinking about visiting Australia, click on the map below to navigate yourself around Australia and see if you can visit one of our guilds’ shows.

Please direct any queries to info@quiltaustralia.org.au or the relevant state or territory guild.
